Many thanks to those of you who traveled long and short distances to make the 50th Reunion a HUGE success with many memorable experiences.
The Ice Beaker was fun with the 60s-70s decorations and the PowerPoint presentation provided a trip down memory lane. If you did not get to see it, be sure to watch it once it is posted to this website (hopefully, no later than August 31 st). A total of 220 people attended this function.
The decorations for the dinner-dance were very festive and eye-catching for our 50th celebration!
Many of you still have “the moves” on the dance floor.
A total of 175 people attended the dinner and, as we were at full capacity for dinner, several classmates who did not register for the dinner, returned later to enjoy the rest of the evening.
Our successful reunion was due to the long-standing committee members who worked long hours and attended monthly meetings for almost two years. Kudos to Jeff Hoy, Reah Lansbery Mayfield, Sandy Myers Urbanek, Mike Perry, Pat Russell, and Shauna Smedley Smith. Great job!!
As you have heard, this is the last reunion for this committee. Thank you again for attending the 50th . We hope our paths will cross again in the future.
Nancy Butler Russell, General Chair
Linda Dunn Bailey, Central Co-Chair
Jeannie Spencer Burton, East Co-Chair
Rick Sargent, St. Mary’s Co-Chair